How to set a budget


Estimating and setting a budget for digital work can be hard. Even for experienced researchers, designers and developers. This is often because obstacles and opportunities emerge as you work through a project, meaning timelines and requirements often shift.

Ways to set a budget

If you have little or no experience in estimating work, it's best to either find examples of similar projects, or ask for help from experience buyers or potential partners.

Review budgets from past briefs

Browse a selection of briefs created by other non-profits. They cover research, design and technical work.

Get an estimate from an potential partner

Find an agency or freelancer that offers the services or tech you need. Email a couple and ask for a chat to help you estimate.

Browse partner directory

Find real project costs

Find a partner that’s delivered a similar project and ask them how much it cost. SIDE Labs (now closed) showed project fees on their project page (opens an image) page.

Agree a range

Rather than define a specific budget, agree on a budget range. This could be based on funding available or research into similar project budgets.

Rates and guide prices

Below are some websites that share day rates and guide project prices.

Articles about project costs

Blog posts written by agencies about the costs of websites and apps.

How much does a website cost?

Written by Outlandish. Published in 2014, but still a useful guide if you’re looking to get an idea of WordPress development costs.

How much does it cost to create an app?

Written by Rareloop. Understand what affects the cost of an app and what you are paying for from an agency.

How much should a website cost?

Written by Ten4. Ten4 acknowledge there is rarely a straightforward answer to this question. Before asking for quotes, they suggest you ask: "how much is a new website worth to you?"