How to evaluate partners
Page contents
To get to know each partner, you'll need to talk with them, review their past work, get recommendations and read through proposals. To make a decision, you’ll evaluate and discuss potential partners with your team. The scoring template will help with this process.
Scoring template
The template is a Google Sheet. Make a duplicate and adapt it your needs. The criteria will help assess fit between your organisation, your project, and each potential partner.
Scoring template (Google Sheet)
How to use this template
- Make a copy of the template - open template, then click File > Make a copy
- Remove criteria that don’t apply to your situation and needs
- Edit criteria and descriptions to fit your situation and needs
- Edit scoring range if desired
When to use this template
- Use it at the long-listing or shortlisting stage
- Use it at the proposal or pitch evaluation stage
Involving others in scoring
- Option 1: To score anonymously, duplicate your adapted sheet and share with colleagues
- Option 2: To score on the same sheet, duplicate the “Score” column
This scoring template builds on learnings from past research, plus contributions from: